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Damavand Height, Discovering the Real Altitude (Meters & Feet)

Damavand Height - 5610 m- 18405 feet

Damavand Height Sign; installed by Iran Mountaineering Federation on the Summit

Nestled in Iran’s landscape, Mount Damavand stands as a true wonder of nature. Damavand height, an impressive 5,610 meters (18,405 feet), makes it the tallest mountain in Iran and the highest volcano in Asia. This majestic peak has always captivated adventurers and nature lovers alike.

Damavand, being Iran’s highest mountain, holds a special place in the hearts of people. Its towering presence and great altitude have fascinated explorers for centuries.
We’ll discover into the geological history that crafted its form and learn how scientists and explorers have measured its height using different methods, from traditional surveying to advanced satellite technology.

Join us as we explore the magnificent height of Damavand woven into ancient writings, folklore, and the hearts of Iranians.


In the fascinating landscape of northern Iran, Damavand reigns as a majestic mountain. It proudly stands in the Alborz mountain range, offering stunning views of the surrounding areas. From its snowy top to the lush valleys below, the region’s beauty unfolds before your eyes.

Get ready for an exciting journey to explore Damavand’s incredible height. We’ll uncover its geological origins and learn about the modern methods used to measure how high it really is. This famous Iranian landmark will leave you in wonder at its grandeur and charm.


Overview of Damavand’s Height and Significance

Stands tall, Damavand invites brave climbers to trek its lofty summit. This mountain holds a special place in Iran’s geography and represents the country’s natural beauty and rich history. Its peak reaches towards the sky, symbolizing the strength and strength of Iran’s incredible landscapes.

But how high is Damavand, exactly?

Let’s dive deep into its height, uncovering the truth that lies within its majestic peak. Join us on this exciting quest to understand the true importance of Damavand, Iran’s highest mountain.

Great view of Mount Damavand North East side
Mount Damavand North East Route

Official Damavand Height Determination

The official Damavand height – 5609.2 m – is the result of careful determination carried out by authoritative bodies and organizations. Recognizing the significance of this towering peak in Iran, dedicated teams have embarked on a quest to establish an accurate and accepted measurement of its official height.

The process of determination involves a combination of rigorous surveying techniques, advanced technology, and collaboration among experts in the field.
These efforts ensured that the official height of Damavand is grounded in scientific accuracy and serves as a reliable reference for climbers, researchers, and enthusiasts alike.

The careful analysis of data and keeping to established standards, and the official height determination of Damavand stand as a testament to the mountain’s magnificence and solidifies its place among the world’s tallest peaks.

It provides a definitive measure of its majesty, serving as a point of pride for Iranians and a beacon of inspiration for those who seek to Climb Damavand’s majestic heights.


How & When was Damavand’s height officially measured?

When it comes to officially documenting the height of a mountain, standardized procedures, and authorized organizations come into play. Damavand’s official height determination is carried out by the Iranian National Cartographic Center (INCC) in collaboration with the relevant government bodies.

Through rigorous surveys and meticulous analysis, the INCC ensures that the recorded height of 5610 m, reflects the most accurate representation of Damavand’s summit altitude.

In addition to Iranian National Cartographic Center (INCC) , several authoritative bodies and organizations contributed to the height determination process. The INCC, as the primary institution responsible for cartographic data, collaborated with geologists, surveyors, and mountain experts in the field to establish the official height of Damavand in 2004.

These collective efforts ensured that the measurements are conducted by international standards, and guaranteed the credibility and accuracy of the recorded height.

Mount Damavand Altitude Sign; 5610 m
The official Damavand height 5610 m

Measuring Damavand Height

Measuring Damavand height like many similar majestic mountains, requires a careful and precise process.

Various methods have been employed throughout history to measure its exact altitude and establish an official registered height, from barometric altitude calculation to using historical methods.

Anyway, from traditional techniques to modern advancements, the quest to measure Damavand’s height has been a subject of fascination and scientific inquiry.

Surveyors, explorers, and geographers have utilized innovative tools and methodologies to capture the essence of this towering peak.

Today, the most reliable and accurate means of measuring Damavand altitude involve the use of advanced technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning System) and geodetic surveys. These methods allow for precise calculations and establish an authoritative reference for the mountain’s true height.

The measured height of Damavand serves as more than a numerical value. It represents a culmination of efforts, a tribute to the mountain’s grandeur, and a benchmark against which future measurements can be compared.

Finally, through meticulous measuring, Damavand’s altitude was revealed- 5610 m equal to 18,405 feet-, immortal its inspiring presence in the Iranian landscape.


Overview of different methods used to measure Damavand altitude

Determining the precise height of a mountain as magnificent as Damavand is a complex task.

Throughout history, various methods have been employed to measure the altitude of this mighty peak. From traditional surveying techniques to modern satellite-based technologies, each method brings its own set of advantages and challenges, ultimately contributing to a more accurate understanding of Damavand’s true height.

In the early days, measuring the height of mountains relied on laborious trigonometric surveys, involving the use of theodolites and painstaking calculations.

Over time, advancements in technology led to the development of more efficient methods. Modern techniques such as satellite-based measurements and GPS technology have revolutionized height determination, offering greater precision and reliability in capturing Damavand’s majestic altitude.

And this is how today we know the real and exact height of Damavand, 5610 meters above sea level.

Damavand Height on Map 5610 m
Some Damavand Maps show it 5609 m

Analysis of Damavand’s height with other prominent mountains worldwide

To understand the magnitude of Damavand’s height, it is essential to compare it with other renowned peaks around the globe. Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth, is a towering height model.
However, Damavand’s altitude holds its own significance, showcasing the remarkable wonder of Iran’s natural landscape. Exploring the heights of other iconic mountains allows us to appreciate Damavand’s unique allure and majesty.

Damavand Mountain by 5,610 meters altitude (18,405 feet) and 4667 m prominent height places it as the 12th highest prominent mountain in the world after Mount Everest, Aconcagua, Denali, and some others. So you can see it’s really high mountain.

By the way, each peak has distinct characteristics, offering a different mountaineering challenge. In between, Damavand, with its volcanic origin, joins this group, proudly representing Iran’s natural heritage on the global stage.

While Damavand’s height of 5,610 meters places it outside the top 10 in terms of prominence, it is still an impressive and significant mountain in its own right. Its prominence, 12th in the world, adds to its attraction and makes it a notable peak in the global mountaineering community.

Below you can see the comparison of Shadow of Everest (up), K2 (middle) & Damavand (down), and understand their prominence. 

Damavand Shadow - Everest - K2
Compare Mount Damavand, Everest & K2 Shadows and Heights

Prominent Altitude Definition

The prominent altitude refers to the measure of a mountain’s elevation above its surrounding terrain, often known as its prominence or topographic prominence. It is the vertical distance between a mountain’s summit and the highest saddle (or low point) that connects it to a higher mountain or ridge.

In simpler terms, it represents how much a mountain stands out from the surrounding landscape. A mountain with a high prominent altitude indicates a significant and distinct peak, making it a prominent landmark in the area. Prominent altitude is a valuable metric used in geography and mountaineering to assess the prominence and importance of a mountain within its geographical context.


Reasons for Damavand’s Prominent Altitude

The towering altitude of Damavand can be attributed to its geological origins and the tectonic forces that shaped it over millions of years. The mountain’s formation began with a powerful volcanic eruption that gave birth to a stratovolcano.

As the molten lava and volcanic materials accumulated over time, they sculpted the mountain’s characteristic layered structure, contributing to its remarkable height.

Moreover, Damavand’s strategic location in a tectonically active area, where the Eurasian and Arabian plates collide, has played a crucial role in its prominence.

The ongoing tectonic processes have uplifted the region, further elevating the mountain’s peak and contributing to its impressive altitude.


Damavand’s Prominent Height Comparison by Other Tallest Stratovolcanoes

As Iran’s highest mountain, Damavand with a prominent height of 5,610 meters (18,405 feet) above sea level, proudly claims to be the 12th highest mountain in the world in terms of prominent height and is among the world’s tallest stratovolcanoes.

While Mount Cotopaxi in Ecuador, towering at 5,897 meters, ranks 26th in prominence. Mount Fuji in Japan stands at 3,776 meters and ranks 35th. Mount St. Helens in the USA, with an altitude of 2,550 meters, is in the 546th position. And lastly, Mount Vesuvius in Italy reaches 1,281 meters and holds the 1140th position.

These rankings highlight Damavand’s significant prominence, making it a remarkable geological wonder in Iran and an esteemed mountain on the global stage.


Stratovolcano Name Altitude (meters) Location Position Number (Prominent)
Damavand 5,610 Iran 12th in the world
Mount Cotopaxi 5,897 Ecuador 26
Mount Fuji 3,776 Japan 35
Mount St. Helens 2,550 USA 546
Mount Vesuvius 1,281 Italy 1140

Geological Formation of Damavand and Its Height

The beauty of Damavand and its height is closely connected to how it was formed by the Earth’s processes. This tall mountain’s incredible shape was shaped by powerful geological forces, and it holds fascinating secrets of its volcanic beginnings and interesting geology.

Many, many years ago, Damavand was born from a strong eruption as a stratovolcano. This fiery event shaped the landscape we see today with a height of 5610 m. You can still see evidence of its volcanic past in the layers of the mountain, showing how volcanic materials built up the mountain layer by layer over time.

The volcano that created Damavand altitude, left behind unique features in its rocks. Lava flows, ash deposits and other volcanic materials shaped its slopes, creating a beautiful mix of rock formations and producing its real height. These formations tell a story of extreme heat and the incredible power of nature in building the tallest peak in Iran.

Learning about Damavand’s geology gives us insights into how the Earth works. The layers of rocks reveal a history of volcanic activity, and the presence of hot springs and fumaroles remind us that there are still dormant volcanic forces beneath the surface.

Damavand stands as a witness to the amazing geology that shaped it. It’s volcanic origins and unique rock formations make it an exciting destination for adventurers and geology enthusiasts alike.

Damavand volcano Activity
Damavand Altitude Formed by volcanic Activities

Explanation of the Tectonic Processes that Formed the Damavand

To understand why Damavand is an impressively high volcano, we need to look at how it was formed geologically. The mountain owes its existence to powerful tectonic forces that shaped the Alborz mountain range over millions of years.

Tectonic plates colliding and intense volcanic activity gradually created Damavand, with layers of rock and molten lava coming together to give it its distinct shape.

Deep within Damavand lies its volcanic core, a reminder of its fiery past. The mountain’s volcanic origin has a big role in determining its height. Eruptions of lava and volcanic ash over time built up the layers that make Damavand so tall and majestic.


Damavand Volcanic Crater at an Altitude of 5610 m

At the top of Damavand Peak at 5,610 meters high, there is something amazing to see the volcanic crater. This crater was formed a long time ago when the mountain erupted with fire and lava. It tells a story of powerful forces in nature that shaped the land over thousands of years.

When adventurers and climbers reach the summit, they are greeted by this incredible sight. The volcanic crater makes Damavand even more fascinating, and it captures the imagination of those who stand near it.

It’s truly a wonder of nature, and as you walk near the edge of the crater, you can’t help but be amazed by the forces that created this special feature on Iran’s highest mountain.

Nowadays, most of the time the crater is covered by snow (especially in Damavand’s western route side), and sometimes in the hot season, some parts of the snow melt and create a small frozen lake – 3 to 5 meters wide – at the end of the bowl (crater).

Damavand Crater Height- 5570 m
Damavand Crater on the top of summit - 5570 m altitude

Experience Damavand Height with Amazing Tours

Start on an unforgettable journey to experience the majestic height of Damavand with amazing tours. These tours offer a perfect opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of Iran’s highest mountain and explore its altitude.
Led by experienced guides, you’ll be taken on a thrilling adventure, immersing yourself in the natural wonders of Damavand. Whether you’re a seasoned mountaineer or a nature enthusiast, these tours provide to all levels of experience, ensuring a safe and enjoyable climb to the summit.

To take the best decision, we recommend you to read our article about Damavand guided tour VS. solo climbing.

Get ready to be amazed by the breathtaking views and the sense of victory as you conquer the heights of Damavand with these amazing tours.

Mount Damavand Height 5610 m

Unforgettable Damavand Trek in a 4-Day Tour

From 640€ 440 €
4 days
May to Nov
Level 5/10 (Moderate)
Check the Tour Details

Journey to the Damavand in a 7-Day Tour

From 890€ 650 €
7 days
May to Nov
Level 5/10 (Moderate)
Check the Tour Details

Mount Damavand Trekking- Summit Crater

Discover Damavand’s Altitude in an Epic 6-Day Tour

From 790€ 630 €
6 days
May to Nov
Level 5/10 (Moderate)
Check the Tour Details

Mount Damavand Climbing & Trek

Feel Ultimate Height, Damavand in an 8-Day Tour

From 975€ 770 €
8 days
May to Nov
Level 5/10 (Moderate)
Check the Tour Details

Influence of Damavand Height on Climbing and Tourism

Damavand acts as a call to climbers and adventure lovers worldwide. Scaling its high summit is an unforgettable experience, requiring skill, determination, and respect for the mountain’s power.

The allure of climbing the Damavand’s height attracts adventurers seeking to test their physical and mental capabilities while immersing themselves in the pure beauty of Iranian nature.

Damavand’s impressive altitude has also improved tourism in the region. Visitors come to the surrounding areas, engaging in trekking, mountaineering, and exploring the diverse ecosystems at different elevations.

The charm of Damavand’s height, coupled with the rich cultural heritage of Iran, creates a unique tourism experience, in combination with generating economic opportunities for the locals.

Damavand Location on Map

Damavand is location is in the northern part of Iran, nestled within the Alborz Mountain range. It reaches an impressive height of 5610 m -18,405 feet-, dominating the scenery and calling out to those seeking a thrilling adventure.

In Iran’s stunning landscapes, you’ll find the majestic Damavand standing tall. It’s like a special landmark on the map, capturing the hearts of adventurers and nature lovers.

When you look at Damavand’s location on the map, you’ll see it’s close to other amazing places. To the south is Tehran, a vibrant capital city, and to the north, you’ll find the beautiful Caspian Sea shining in the sunlight, making the surroundings even more enchanting.

As you explore the area, you’ll come across fascinating landmarks and natural wonders that complement the allure of Damavand. There are lush valleys, sparkling waterfalls, ancient ruins, and charming villages to discover, making it a perfect place for adventurous travelers.

Set off a Damavand trekking tour, where the map, the location, and the breathtaking landscapes of Iran come together. Let this magnificent mountain lead you to a world full of beauty, excitement, and unforgettable experiences.


Damavand’s Geographic Location within Alborz Mountains

Damavand’s exact location on the map is approximately 35.9517° N latitude and 52.1096° E longitude. This makes it easy to reach for adventurers and nature lovers eager to conquer its summit.

Around Damavand, you’ll find some remarkable places that add to its allure. To the north, the lush green valleys of Amol and Caspian Sea, in west-north-west, the Lar National Park, provides a picturesque backdrop to the mountain’s ascent. To the south lies Tehran, a bustling city that acts as a gateway between the mountains and the central Iran desert.


In conclusion, Damavand’s exact height continues to captivate explorers and researchers, drawing them closer to unraveling its mysteries.

Through a combination of historical references, modern technologies, and rigorous surveys, scientists have determined 5610 m as Damavand’s height with increasing accuracy.

On the other hand, its volcanic origin, geological formation, and cultural significance create majestic stature, making Damavand a symbol of Iran’s natural beauty and a testament to human curiosity and exploration.

Damavand’s height is more than just a numerical value; it represents the timeless relationship between humans and nature. As we stand in awe of its towering presence, we are reminded of the endless wonders our planet holds.
Damavand’s majestic altitude serves as an inspiration, urging us to protect, and love the remarkable natural landscapes that formed our world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In this section, we will address some of the most commonly asked questions about Damavand Height.

How high-tall is Mount Damavand?

Mount Damavand proudly stands as Iran’s highest peak, with an altitude of 5,610 meters (18,405 feet) above sea level.

How does Damavand's height compare to other mountains in the world?

Damavand’s elevation of 5,610 meters places it as the 12th highest in prominence among the world’s tallest mountains.

Where is Mount Damavand located?

Mount Damavand is situated in the northern part of Iran, within the Alborz mountain range, approximately at 35.9517° N latitude and 52.1096° E longitude.

What geological forces shaped Damavand's formation?

Damavand’s formation began with a powerful volcanic eruption that gave birth to a stratovolcano. Over millions of years, the accumulation of volcanic materials and tectonic forces contributed to its remarkable height.

Is climbing Mount Damavand a challenging endeavor?

Climbing Mount Damavand requires physical fitness and proper mountaineering skills, making it a challenging yet rewarding adventure for enthusiasts and experienced climbers.

1 Comment

  1. gralion torile says:

    Greetings! Very helpful advice on this article! It is the little changes that make the biggest changes. Thanks a lot for sharing & clearing about the real altitude of mount Damavand!