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July 10, 2024

Learning Farsi (Persian) for travel Iran

Learn Farsi Travel Iran

Learn Farsi (Persian) in travel to Iran

Travel to Iran? So, you need to learn Farsi and use some useful and easy expressions in Persian to communicate with local people.

Here we try to gather some of these useful sentences that can help you during your travel to Iran—learning some Persian greetings before traveling to Iran? Whether you want to get a taxi, pay for your dinner, or talk to the local people and interact with Iranians, you will need to know some Persian. For sure you will meet lots of Iranians who come to you to have a chat and maybe even hang out together. Remember, Modern Persian and Farsi are the same languages.
The fact is that learning Persian is not quite as easy for many people since the grammar structure is different from what they know and what they have been taught. Most of the Persian/Farsi alphabet is similar to the Arabic alphabet and there are lots of similar words in both languages. However, these two languages, are totally different due to the different grammar structure.

Persian Letters

Persian letters are written from right to left; Both words & numbers. Its alphabet consists of 32 letters some of which have a similar sound. Short vowels are not written in Farsi. Each alphabet letter has two forms: Capital & Small.


Farsi or Persian Numbers

Numbers play a crucial role in Farsi’s everyday interactions, from shopping in bustling bazaars to booking a taxi or asking for directions. Understanding and using numbers in Farsi can make your travel experience in Iran much smoother.

In Farsi, numbers can be written in two ways: using numerals (1, 2, 3) or in the Farsi script (یک, دو, سه). While numerals are universally recognized, learning to recognize and pronounce Farsi numbers in their script form will enhance your connection with locals and deepen your appreciation of the language.

Farsi numbers follow a straightforward structure, making them relatively easy to learn. For example:

  • Single Digits (0-9): These are the foundation of all numbers. Learning these first will help you construct larger numbers effortlessly. For instance, “one” is یک (yek), “two” is دو (do), and “three” is سه (see).
  • Tens and Hundreds: Farsi numbers are combined logically, making it simple to form higher numbers. For example, “twenty-one” is بیست و یک (bist o yek), which literally translates to “twenty and one.”
  • Common Uses: Numbers in Farsi are essential when discussing prices, quantities, phone numbers, or addresses. For example, saying “How much is this?” (قیمتش چنده؟, Gheymatesh chandeh?) and understanding the response requires a basic grasp of Farsi numbers.

Tips for Learning Farsi Numbers

  • Practice Writing: Write the numbers in both numeral and Farsi script forms to familiarize yourself with their appearance.
  • Listen and Repeat: Pronunciation is key. Listening to native speakers or using audio resources can help you perfect your accent.
  • Use Contextual Examples: Practice numbers in practical contexts, such as counting change, asking for prices, or reading phone numbers.

The table below provides a detailed overview of Farsi numbers, including their pronunciation and how they are written in both forms. Familiarize yourself with this table, and soon, counting and using numbers in Farsi will feel natural!


Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
0 ۰ (sefr) صفر
1 ۱ (yek) یک (yikum) پكم
2 ۲ (do) دو (duvvum) دوم
3 ۳ (se) سه (sivvum) سوم
4 ۴ (chahâr) چهار (chihârum) چحارم
5 ۵ (panj) پنج (panjum) پنجم
6 ۶ (shesh) شش (shishum) ششم
7 ۷ (haft) هفت (haftum) هفتم
8 ۸ (hasht) هشت (hashtum) هشتم
9 ۹ (noh) نه (nuhum) نهم
10 ۱۰ (dah) ده (dahum) دهم
11 ۱۱ (yâzdah) یازده (yâzdahum) یازدهم
12 ۱۲ (davâzdah) دوازده (davâzdahum) دوازدهم
13 ۱۳ (sizdah) سیزده (sizdahum) سیزدهم
14 ۱۴ (chahârdah) چهارده (chahârdahum) چهاردهم
15 ۱۵ (poonzdah) پانزده (poonzdahum) پانزدهم
16 ۱۶ (shoonzdah) شانزده (shoonzdahum) شانزدهم
17 ۱۷ (hifdah) هفده (hifdahum) هفدهم
18 ۱۸ (hijdah) هجده (hijdahum) هجدهم
19 ۱۹ (noozdah) نوزده (noozdahum) نوزدهم
20 ۲۰ (bist) بیست (bistum) بیستم
21 ۲۱ (bist o yek) بیست و یک
22 ۲۲ (bist o do) بیست و دو
23 ۲۳ (bist o seh) بیست و سه
24 ۲۴ (bist o chahâr) بیست و چهار
25 ۲۵ (bist o panj) بیست و پنج
26 ۲۶ (bist o shish) بیست و شش
27 ۲۷ (bist o haft) بیست و هفت
28 ۲۸ (bist o hasht) بیست و هشت
29 ۲۹ (bist o noh) بیست و نه
30 ۳۰ (si) سی
31 ۳۱ (si o yek) سی و یک
32 ۳۲ (si o do) سی و دو
33 ۳۳ (si o seh) سی و سه
34 ۳۴ (si o chahâr) سی و چهار
35 ۳۵ (si o panj) سی و پنج
36 ۳۶ (si o shesh) سی و شش
37 ۳۷ (si o haft) سی و هفت
38 ۳۸ (si o hasht) سی و هشت
39 ۳۹ (si o noh) سی و نه
40 ۴۰ (chehel) چهل
50 ۵۰ (panjâh) پنجاه
60 ۶۰ (shast) شصت
70 ۷۰ (haftâd) هفتاد
80 ۸۰ (hashtâd) هشتاد
90 ۹۰ (navad) نود
100 ۱۰۰ (sad) صد
200 ۲۰۰ (devist) دویست
300 ۳۰۰ (sisad) سيصد
400 ۴۰۰ (chahârsad) چهار صر
500 ۵۰۰ (pansad) پانصد
600 ۶۰۰ (sheshsad) ششصد
700 ۷۰۰ (heftsad) هفتصد
800 ۸۰۰ (heshtsad) هشتصد
900 ۹۰۰ (nehsad) نهصد
1,000 ۱۰۰۰ (hezâr) هزار
1 million ۱۰۰۰۰۰۰ (mileiyon) میلیون


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Useful Persian (Farsi) Phrases

Learning some essential Persian (Farsi) phrases can significantly enhance your travel experience in Iran. Whether you’re navigating busy bazaars, ordering delicious local cuisine, or connecting with locals on a personal level, knowing how to communicate even a little in Farsi can make a big difference. Persians are known for their warmth and hospitality, and they deeply appreciate when visitors make an effort to speak their language, even if it’s just a few words.
Farsi, the official language of Iran, is written in a script derived from Arabic but spoken differently. For travelers, mastering the alphabet may not be necessary, but understanding key phrases for everyday situations can help you immerse yourself in the culture and interact more confidently. Below are some categories of phrases you’ll find helpful:
  • Greetings and Introductions: Greetings are an essential part of Iranian culture, often serving as a way to establish mutual respect. Learning how to say “hello” (سلام, Salam) and “How are you?” (حال شما چطوره؟, Hal-e shoma chetore?) can go a long way.
  • Polite Expressions: Courtesy is highly valued in Persian culture. Knowing phrases like “please” (لطفاً, Lotfan) and “thank you” (متشکرم, Moteshakeram) will endear you to locals.
  • Directions and Transportation: When exploring cities or traveling to remote areas, knowing how to ask for directions, such as “Where is…?” (کجاست…؟, Kojast…?) or “How much does it cost?” (چقدر است؟, Cheghadr ast?), can be incredibly helpful.
  • Shopping and Bargaining: The vibrant markets of Iran are a must-visit and learning phrases like “How much is this?” (قیمتش چنده؟, Gheymatesh chandeh?) and “I want this” (من این را می‌خواهم, Man in ra mikham) will make your shopping experience smoother.
Each phrase in the table is designed to address a specific need you may encounter during your journey. Take your time to practice these phrases aloud and, if possible, listen to native speakers to refine your pronunciation. Iranians are often happy to help correct you and teach you more about their language and culture.
English (Persian) Fārsī / فارسى
Welcome frm – (khosh amadid) خوش آمدید
inf – خوش آمدی
Hello (General greeting) (dorood) درود
(salâm) سلام
How are you? حال شما چطور است؟
(hale shoma chetor ast?)
حالتون چطوره؟
(haletun chetore?)
حالت چطوره؟
(halet chetore?)
vinf – چطوری؟
Reply to ‘How are you?’ من خوبم ممنون، شما چطوريد؟
(man khubam mamnun, shoma chetorid?)
من خوبم ممنون، تو چطوری؟
Long time no see خيلي وقته که ازت خبري نيست
(kheili vaghte ke azat khabari nist)
مدت زمان زيادي است که شما را نديده ام
(moddate ziadi ast ke shoma ra nadideh am)
What’s your name? اسم شما چیست؟
(esm e shoma chist?)
اسمتون چيه؟
(esmetun chie?)
نام شما چيست؟
vfrm – (naam e shoma chist?)
اسم شما چيه؟
inf – (esm e shoma chie?)
vinf – اسمت چیه؟
My name is … اسم من … است.
(esm e man … ast)
نام من … است
vfrm – (naam e man … ast)
اسم من … ه
inf – (esm e man … eh)
Where are you from? شما اهل کجا هستيد؟
(shoma ahleh koja hastid?)
اهل کجايي؟
(ahle kojayee?)
I’m from … من از … هستم
(man az … hastam)
Pleased to meet you از ملاقات شما خوش وقتم
(az molaghat-e shomâ khosh vaghtam)
inf – خوشبختم
inf – خوشوقتم
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
(sobh bekheir) صبح بخير
Good night (shab bekheir) شب بخير
inf – شب خوش
(Parting phrases)
(bedrood) بدرود
(khoda hafez) خدا حافظ
Good luck! (movafagh bashed) موفق باشيد
inf – موفق باشی
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
(be salâmati!) به سلامتي!
Have a nice day روز خوبي داشته باشيد!
(ruze xubi dâšte bâšid!)
inf – روز خوبی داشته باشی
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
(befarma’id) بفرماييد
(nooshe jan) نوش جان
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
(safar khosh) سفر خوش
(safar be kheir) سفر به خير
(be salamat) به سلامت
I understand (motevajjeh am) متوجه ام
inf – من می‌فهمم
I don’t understand (nemifahmam) نمي فهمم
(motevajjeh nemisham) متوجه نميشم
I don’t know (nemidanam) من نمی دانم
Please speak more slowly ميشه آهسته تر صحبت کنيد؟
(mishe ahesteh tar sohbat konid)
خواهش مي کنم آهسته تر صحبت کنيد
(khahesh mikonam ahesteh tar sohbat konid)
Please say that again مي شه دوباره بگيد؟
(miše dobâre begid?)
خواهش مي کنم دوباره تکرار کنيد
(khahesh mikonam dobare tekrar konid)
inf – میشه دوباره بگی ؟/ میشه دوباره تکرار کنی؟
Please write it down لطفا یادداشت کنید
(lotfan yaddasht konid)
inf – لطفاً یادداشت کن
Do you speak Persian? شما فارسي صحبت مي کنيد؟
frm – (shomâ fârsi sohbat mekunid?)
تو فارسي حرف مي زني؟
inf – (to fârsi harf mizani?)
Yes, a little
(reply to ‘Do you speak …?’)
بله ، من فارسي حرف مي زنم
(bale, man fârsi harf mizanam)
بله، يه کم
(bale, ye kam)
How do you say … in Persian? شما … رو به فارسي چي ميگين؟
(shoma … ro be Fārsi chi migin)
inf – … به فارسی چی میشه ؟
Excuse me (bebakhshid) ببخشيد!
(mazerat mikham) معذرت ميخوام
How much is this? قيمتش چنده؟
(gheymatesh chande?)
قيمت اين چند است؟
(gheymate in chand ast?)
Sorry (moteassefam) متاسفم!
Please (lotfan) لطفا
Thank you ممنونم
frm – (mamnūnam)
vinf – (mersi)
vfrm – (moteshakkeram)
Reply to thank you خواهش مي كنم
(khahesh mikonam)
Where’s the toilet? دستشويي کجاست؟
(dashtshuee kojast?)
This gentleman/lady will pay for everything اون براي همه چي پول مي ده
(un barâye hameci pul mide)
Would you like to dance with me? دوست داريد با من برقصيد؟
(dust dârid bâ man beraqsid?)
با من مي رقصيد؟
(bâ man miraqsid?)
inf – دوست داری با من برقصی؟/ با من می‌رقصی ؟
Do you come here often? (ziyaad incaa miyaay?) زیاد اینجا میای؟
frm – زیاد اینجا میایید ؟
I miss you دلم برات تنگ شده
(delam barat tang shodeh)
I love you عاشقتم
دوست دارم
used in poetry and songs – (dūset dāram)
Get well soon (zud xub šo) زود خوب شو
Go away! من را تنها ترک کنید!
Leave me alone! من را تنها بگذاريد!
(man ra tanha bohzarid!)
منو تنها بذار!
(mano tanha bezar!)
Help! (komak!) کمک!
Fire! (âtiš!) آتیش
Stop! (vâysâ!) وایسا
Call the police! پليسو خبر کنيد
(poliso xabar konid)
Christmas and New Year greetings كریسمس مبارک
(kerismas mobārak)
سال نو مبارک
(sale no mobārak)
Easter greetings عيد پاک مبارک
(eide pak mobārak)
Birthday greetings تولدت مبارک
(tavallodet mobārak)

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  1. Neli says:

    Thank you very useful during my Iran trip 🙂

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    Superb knowledge. Many thanks.